Collection: Door PETA Story

>>Proceed to purchase of door PETA stamp

The use of online shopping has increased rapidly in recent years, and there are opportunities to receive home delivery services.


Isn't there something like this in such a way ?

✔︎ I forgot my stamp ... I borrowed a pen from the delivery person and signed

(It might be interesting for each other to borrow things from people in corona life...)

✔︎ Oh, I forgot my mask and opened the door.

(I don't wear a mask at home, so I forget about it...)

In order to solve the confusion of everyone , Inyusha has released " Door PETA Hanko " .


Put the door PETA stamp on the fixed position of the entrance and put the mask on it

The intercom rings and the mask is put on at the entrance, and the door PETA stamp is in place

It is the completion of a smooth flow of taking out and opening the door

In order to solve the confusion of everyone, Inyusha created "Door PETA Hanko" ! You can stick it on and use it anytime. Make your life more efficient by hanging masks and small items and fastening documents. Fashionable design does not interfere with interior coordination. Choose more ink colors and have more fun!

All products are Made in Japan . Japanese craftsmen also tried and errored to realize the plan. It is a collaboration between the 70th anniversary stamp shop Inyusha and Japanese craftsmen.