Collection: Registered seal, bank seal, private seal

The official seal of Inyusha. It's important, so make sure. At our store, we make seals from four kinds of high-quality materials that have been carefully selected.

We don't have many opportunities to make registered seals and bank seals, so we often receive questions from customers about everything from the selection of materials and typeface to the size of the stamp surface.

Therefore, I have briefly summarized the material selection, so I hope it will be of some help.

Material selection and features

As for the typeface, it is common to use ten-style script for registered seals, and ten-style or old-style stamps for bank seals.

In many cases, customers can freely choose their favorite typeface for their seals, but many customers dare to choose ready-made typefaces that are not widely available.

Generally, the stamp face size is 13.5 to 15 mm, bank seal 12 mm, and mitome seal 10.5 mm.

Also, Inyusha offers a full warranty for 1 year from the date of purchase. Even if it is due to negligence, we will replace it with an equivalent product free of charge within one year.

Our store is a member of the All Japan Seal Industry Association, which delivers products to the Legal Affairs Bureau and government offices.