[News] Door PETA Hanko are back in stock!
It was introduced on 12/20 Hirunandesu (Nippon TV), and we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the temporary shortage of stock yesterday, but we have restocked it, so please take this opportunity to purchase it.
In addition to Door PETA Hanko, we also sell original stamps, parenting items, registered seals, bank seals, and personal seals, so please check out the product page on our site!
#hirnandes #door peta stamp #Door PETA Hanko #doorpetahanko #Inyusha #stamp #stamp #signature stamp #stamp #stamp #stationary #magnet #Convenience goods # Efficiency # Efficiency improvement #time saving #stationery lover #I want to connect with people who like stationery #Christmas gift #Christmas #Christmas gift
In addition to Door PETA Hanko, we also sell original stamps, parenting items, registered seals, bank seals, and personal seals, so please check out the product page on our site!
#hirnandes #door peta stamp #Door PETA Hanko #doorpetahanko #Inyusha #stamp #stamp #signature stamp #stamp #stamp #stationary #magnet #Convenience goods # Efficiency # Efficiency improvement #time saving #stationery lover #I want to connect with people who like stationery #Christmas gift #Christmas #Christmas gift